Science Education through Earth Observation for High Schools (SEOS) is an initiative for using satellite remote sensing of the Earth in science education curricula in high schools.

The project was funded by the European Commission (EC). Implemented by 11 partners from European countries and in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) it offers 17 tutorials on environmental and scientific topics. They cover many disciplines such as physics, biology, geography, mathematics and engineering, focusing on the interdisciplinary character of environmental education. Available in several languages, they also support language teaching.

Mathematical equations are mostly shown using the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), which is supported by Mozilla Firefox and Safari. Internet Explorer requires installation of the MathML IE Performer. MathML is not (or: not yet in 2024) supported on Opera, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome.

Your support in language translations would be warmly welcomed! We also appreciate any kind of feedback regarding suggestions for improvements. Please send your comments to Rainer Reuter.

The SEOS eLearning tutorials:

*: in progress

Cloud layers over the Pacific

in English

auf Deutsch

en français

Στα Ελληνικά

in Nederlands

باللغة العربية

em portuguès

en español

po polsku

на български



Remote Sensing
A World of Images
Eine Welt der Bilder
Un monde d'images
Ένας Κόσμος Εικόνων
Een wereld aan beelden
عالم من الصور
O Mundo em Imagens
Introduction to Remote Sensing
Einführung in die Fernerkundung
      مقدمة في الاستشعار عن بعد
Introdução ao Sensoriamento Remoto
  Wstęp do teledetekcji
Въведение в дистанционните изследвания
Введение в дистанционное зондирование
Natural and Cultural Heritages
Patrimoine naturel et culturel
Παγκόσμια Κληρονομιά

  Patrimônio Mundial
Coral Reefs
Récifs coralliens
الشعاب المرجانية
Recife de Coral
Land Use and Land Use Change
Landnutzung und Landnutzungs-

  Χρήσεις Γης και Μεταβολές Χρήσεων Γης
Landgebruik en verandering in landgebruik
استخدامات الأراضى والتغير فى استخدامات الأرضى
Uso da Terra e Mudanças de Uso da Terra
Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture
Fernerkundung und GIS in der Landwirtschaft
Télédétection et SIG en agriculture
Τηλεπισκόπηση και GIS στην Γεωργία
Teledetectie en GIS in de landbouw
الإستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية فى الزراعة
Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG em Agricultura
        Tarimda CBS ve Uzaktan Algilama
Natural Resource Management

Gestion des ressources naturelles
Διαχείριση Φυσικών Πόρων
Beheer van natuurlijke rijkdommen
إدارة الموارد الطبيعية
Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences
Ocean Currents
Ocean Colour
  Το Χρώμα του Ωκεανού
Marine Pollution
Verschmutzung der Meere
Pollution marine
Η Θαλάσσια Ρύπανση
    Contaminación Marina
Understanding Spectra from the Earth*
Spektren der Erde*
Le spectre de la Terre*
  Inzicht in Spectra van de Aarde*
فهم الأطياف الضوئية من الأرض*
Remote Sensing Using Lasers*
Fernerkundung mit Lasern*
Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Environmental Sciences
3D models
Les modèles en 3D
Time Series Analysis*
Modelling of Environmental Processes
Modellierung von Umweltprozessen
Modélisation des processus environnementaux
Satellite Navigation with GPS
Satellitennavigation mit GPS
      GPS الملاحة عبر الأقمار الصناعية باستخدام