Supplement 1.1: Maxwell's Equations

We consider the vectors of the electric field E and the magnetic field B in the presence of an electric charge density ρ and current density j . Electric and magnetic matter properties are given by the electrical permittivity ε and the magnetic permeability μ. It is ε=εoεr and μ=μoμr, with the relative permittivity εr and relative permeability μr of the material, and where εo and μo are the vacuum permittivity and vacuum permeability, respectively.

Units of quantities, values of constants

Maxwell's equations combine all these quantities into a system of four integral equations or differential equations. An intuitive understanding is often easier with the integral equations, and this is why the integral forms are more often used in physics class. The differential equations are given here:

E = ρ ε            B =0

i.e., the electric charge is the source of an electric field, while magnetic charges do not exist; and

× E = B t            × B =μ j +εμ E t

a time-varying magnetic field causes a curl of the electric field, and a time-varying electric field or an electric current causes a curl of the magnetic field.

Maxwell's equations in integral form

The terms ∇⋅ and ∇× denote the divergence and the curl of the vector which follows. These are spatial derivatives of vectors, using the nabla (∇) operator which is also a vector. The symbols "⋅" and "×" denote the dot product and the cross product of two vectors. For example, in Cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates, the nabla operator and the electric field E read:

=( x , y , z )            E =( E x , E y , E z )

Then the divergence and the curl of E are:

E = E x x + E y y + E z z

× E =( E z y E y z , E x z E z x , E x y E y x )

We refer to textbooks on vector calculus if you are not familiar with these operations, e.g., Murray R. Spiegel, 1959: Schaum's Outline of Vector Analysis (McGraw Hill) 225 pp.

Question 1: Divergence and curl of a vector
Question 2: Gradient of a scalar quantity