Supplement 1.2: Solving Maxwell's Equations for Electromagnetic Waves    (3/3)

Plane monochromatic waves      cont.

Waves propagating in arbitrary directions a can be obtained by converting the wave number k into a vector with the direction of the propagating wave, k a . This is the wave vector k , with | k |= k=2π /λ .

The electric and magnetic field of waves propagating in a direction given by the orientation of k  is then:

E ( r ,t)= E o sin( k r ωt )          B ( r ,t)= B o sin( k r ωt )

Which relation exists between E and B ? They are connected together in the third and fourth Maxwell equation. E.g., the third equation reads:

× E = B t

We choose an electromagnetic wave propagating in direction x. Since the field vectors are orthogonal to x, they reduce in Cartesian coordinates to:

E =( 0, E y , E z )            B =( 0, B y , B z )

With these vectors, the third Maxwell equation becomes:

y-component:            E z x = B y t
z-component:            E y x = B z t

(the x-components vanishes since Bx=0).

Question 2: Third Maxwell equation in Cartesian components

To solve the y-component, we choose a sinusoidal electric field Ez:

E z = E z,o sin( kxωt )

With the partial derivative with respect to x, E z x , one obtains for the y-component of the magnetic field:

B y = E z x dt = k ω E z

In the same way, solving the z-component of the Maxwell equation yields:

B z = k ω E y

Both component equations can be combined into a vector equation:

B = k ω a × E

where a is again a unit vector pointing in direction of the wave propagation. The relations prove that

  • E and B and the direction of propagation of the wave are all orthogonal (what we found already above), and
  • E and B have in every point identical phase (e.g., zero-crossings, maxima...), as shown in the graph in chapter 1, section electromagnetic waves.