2. الإشعاع الحراري
Student experiments:
The Planck-Radiation-Law
Experiments and model calculations, for use in school (in German)
Author: Arnd Jungermann
Last access: 31.07.2023
The Theory of Heat Radiation
Max Planck
P. Blackiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, 1914
Last access: 31.07.2023
"... ich dachte mir nicht viel dabei ..."
Plancks ungerader Weg zur Strahlungsformel (in German)
Authors: Domenico Giulini, Norbert Straumann. Physikalische Blätter, 56(12), 2000, p. 37-41
Last access: 31.07.2023
Schwarze Körper im Labor (Black bodies in the Lab)
Experimentelle Vorleistungen für Plancks Quantenhypothese (in German)
Author: Dieter Hoffmann. Physikalische Blätter, 56(12), 2000, p. 43-47
Last access: 31.07.2023
Preliminary Table of Solar Spectrum Wave-lengths
Reprinted from the Astrophysical journal, vol. I, no 1, January 1895 to vol. V, no. 3, March 1897, and vol. VI, no. 5, December 1897.
Author: Henry A. Rowland, 1896, The University of Chicago press, 251 pp.
Last access: 31.07.2023
The Solar Spectrum 2935Å to 8770Å
Second Revision of Rowland's Preliminary Table of Solar Spectrum Wavelengths.
Authors: Charlotte E. Moore, M. G. J. Minnaert & J. Houtgast, 1966, National Bureau of Standards Monograph 61, 390 pp.
Last access: 31.07.2023
Le spectre solaire de 380 à 870 nm
Obtenu par L. Delbouille et son équipe entre 1973 et 1988 au Jungfraujoch.
Author: Jean-Marie Malherbe, 2013, Observatoire de Paris, France, 51 pp.
Last access: 31.07.2023
Atlas photometrique du spectre solaire de 3000 à 10000 Angströms (Jungfraujoch)
Avec identification des raies (table de Moore) et facteurs de Landé
Authors: L. Delbouille, G. Roland et L. Neven, 1973. Université de Liège, Institut d'Astrophysique, Belgium
Last access: 31.07.2023
Today's Weather Maps - 2m Temperature
Daily updated global air temperature at 2 m height
Responsible: Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, USA
Last access: 06.07.2021
Land Surface Temperature
TERRA/MODIS 1 day/8 day/1 month global maps
Responsible: NEO - NASA Earth Observations
Last access: 31.07.2023
Sea Surface Temperature
Information on infrared spectroscopy of the ocean surface and links to data sources
Responsible: Physical Oceanography Distributed Data Archive Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Last access: 31.07.2023
Sea Surface Temperature
Data from the (Advanced) Along-Track Scanning Radiometer ((A)ATSR) Multimission Archives in ENVISAT format, 1991-2007
Responsible: NERC Earth Observation Data Centre, UK
Last access: 31.07.2023
The Global Drifter Program
Satellite-tracked surface drifting buoy observations of currents, sea surface temperature, atmospheric pressure, winds and salinity.
Responsible: NOAA AOML Physics Oceanography Division
Last access: 31.07.2023
Argo is a global array of 3,800 free-drifting profiling floats that measures the temperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean.
Responsible: Argo Information Center, IFREMER, France
Last access: 31.07.2023
SOHO Science Archives (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory)
Access to data from the ESA-NASA SOHO mission
Responsible: ESA and NASA
Last access: 31.07.2023
A solar data browser
Last access: 31.07.2023
A Java/OpenGL application for visualizing time series of solar images and feature/event data
Responsible: ESA/NASA Helioviewer Project
Last access: 31.07.2023
Solar Spectra: Air Mass Zero, and Air Mass 1.5
A variety of solar spectra in HTML, text, and spreadsheet formats
Responsible: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
Last access: 31.07.2023
Solar Resource Data and Tools
To help energy system designers, building architects and engineers, renewable energy analysts, and others accelerate the integration of solar technologies on the grid.
Responsible: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
Last access: 31.07.2023
Total Solar Irradiance (TSI)
Data base of solar irradiance at top of atmosphere
Responsible: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO, USA
Last access: 31.07.2023
SORCE: SOlar Radiation & Climate Experiment
Data on x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared, and total solar radiation
Responsible: University of Colorado at Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, USA
Last access: 31.07.2023
BASS2000: Solar Survey Archive
High resolution solar spectrum; data base of daily online observations
Responsible: L'Observatoire de Paris, France
Last access: 31.07.2023
Standardizing the Extraterrestrial Solar Flux Spectrum
Comparison of two datasets
Last access: 31.07.2023