The capital of Mexico is the biggest industrial site, the most important hub and the cultural centre of the country of Mexico. The city offers many sights and the old city centre of Mexico City is a UNESCO- cultural world heritage site since 1987. But today the city is also a loud, overcrowded, by traffic overburdened city, dominated by multi-storey buildings and bordered by hundreds of slums. Mexico City has one of the most serious air pollution problems of the world. Main air polluters are the 3.5 million vehicles, which mainly run on unleaded petrol or sulphurous diesel, as well as the numerous industries.
- Ciudad the Mexico:
- Tourism Secretary of Mexico City:
- Ciudad de Mexico – Servicio de Transportes Eléctricos:
- UNESCO cultural world heritage: the historical centre:
Design an environmentally friendly excursion through Mexico City.
1a. Describe what you relate to an environmentally friendly excursion.
1b. Inform yourself of the sights in the city, with the aid of the given links, and choose minimum 5 sights for your excursion.
1c. What criteria should be taken into account when you choose your sights?
2a. Inform yourself of the public transport system of the city. Which means of transportation are available?
2b. Think about more possibilities that you could apply to guide your excursion group to each sight.
3. Compile your whole excursion. Keep the purpose, the process and the locomotion of your excursion in mind.