

 Street scene in Mumbai
Street scene in Mumbai.
Photo: Tobias Majer

Asia's biggest slum, Dharavi is home and workplace to more than half a million people. Originally it was located at the outskirt, but the rapid growth of the mega city Mumbai has included it with its nearly 2 km2. Today it is located directly next to the financial district Bandra Kurla in best city centre locality.

In the "Vision Mumbai" the city planners want to make the city into a city with international level "until 2013". Under the plan, Dharavi will be demolished and replaced with flats in high-rise blocks for the slum dwellers, and the rest of the land will be used for shopping malls and luxury apartments. But, Mumbai needs more urgent, drastic improvement of the basic community benefits, like an expansion of the road networks and wastewater system as well as the public transport. Furthermore, the health care and security of most of the inhabitants needs to be improved (Bronger 2004).

There is fierce opposition to this plan from Dharavi residents who believe that this is only to benefit the rich and the powerful. They are not included into the project planning and feel ignored.


1. Read the short introduction and discuss what "Vision Mumbai" means.

If you need more detailed information, additionally read the newspaper article & the module pages.

2. Create together in class a (black)board drawing, showing the status-quo and the planned transformation from Dharavi.

3. Start a panel discussion
3a. Below you will find 15 points with different views on the "Vision Mumbai".
3b. Get together in min. 4 groups (max. 2 persons per card) and discuss the future development of Dharavi.

Panel Discussion

The inhabitants of Dharavi

The wealthy people of Mumbai

The government of Maharaschtra

The disputants

Newspaper article: URBAN DEVELOPMENT - For a new Mumbai, at great cost