4. Mass Tourism

Case study Tenerife    (8/8)

Comparison of Germany, Spain and Tenerife

On this page you can compare the southern country of Spain, the island of Tenerife and Germany using the table. How do the figures for Tenerife compare to those of the territorial states? Which statistics are influenced by tourism?

Task: Describe differences and similarities.

Indicators Spain Tenerife* Germany
Total area in km² 504,782 2,052 357,021
Population 40,491,051 852,945 82,369,548
Population per km² 80 415 230
Life expectancy men/women 76.6/ 83.45 see Spain 76.11/ 82.26
Unemployment rate 7.6% 9.4% 9.1%
Water consumption per person/day 2,345 l no data 1,564 l
GDP in Euro per person 21,700 18,390 28,211

* Province of Santa Cruz: the islands of Tenerife, Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma (Sources: CIA World Fact Book, AQUASTAT).


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