Tenerife - Location and Climate

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Climate chart of Santa Cruz
Climate chart of Santa Cruz (NE Tenerife).


The location of the Canary islands close of the Moroccan coast and their subtropical climate offer ideal conditions for an all-season tourism. These favourable conditions should be analysed by the students with the help of this worksheet.

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 Location of Tenerife
Location of Tenerife
Source: NASA Visible Earth

Solution of Worksheet 'Tenerife – Location and Climate'

1. Describe the climatic conditions of Tenerife with the aid of the climate chart.

The Canary Islands are located in the subtropical zone. Their climate is affected by westerly winds, Atlantic low pressure regions, trade winds and the proximity to the African continent. The climate of the islands is in general very moderate and balanced in every season, the average temperature is between 17-18°C in winter and 24-25°C in summer. Precipitation does not arise in the summer months from May to August, in the winter (between November and March) few precipitation is measured.

2. Name possible advantages and problems related to tourism that can occur in such a climate.

Positive: Balanced and mild climate all year round, particularly in the summer balanced by island situation, not too hot, but in the winter warmer than in the Mediterranean region etc.

Negative: little precipitation, in the contrast to the high water consumption of the tourists and touristic infrastructure (pool, parks, golf courses, etc.)

3. Incorporate the satellite image into your thoughts.

a. What could the yellow stripes/ the areas off the Moroccan coast mean?

These "strips" form sandstorms and/or sand blowings, which are driven from the Sahara to the sea by the trade winds. The winds result in fine sand accumulations to the Canary islands, and, in addition, occasionally in Europe.

b. Which influence on the climatic conditions of the Canary Islands does this have?

By the sandstorms or -winds, the sun is temporarily shielded, and a milky, yellowish sky develops. In addition, the storms cause increasing wind and sand drifts. The sand sinks down in fine layers nearly everywhere, and so-called emery effects or increased erosion can occur.

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