Discussion Topic: Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil

Is marine pollution a topic relevant to our every-day lives?

three wise monkeys
The 'three wise monkeys'. Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.
Photo: Christina Klose

I. Get together in groups of no more than 5 students. Choose a type of marine pollution you find interesting, and think about some of the questions below. If you need a hint on different types of marine pollution you can have a look at the image map below.

Some of the questions may be more relevant than others for the particular type of pollution you have chosen.

  1. What are the causes of this type of pollution?

  2. What are the environmental impacts? (think for example about habitats, animals, human health and well being)

  3. Are there any areas or species that are particularly vulnerable and need extra protection?

  4. What if any are the socio-economic impacts of this type of pollution?

  5. What can be done to minimize the risk to the environment, marine biodiversity, human health and commercially important activities such as fisheries, aquaculture, leisure and tourism?

  6. Are there national or international regulations in force to prevent this type of pollution? If so, what can be done to ensure compliance with these regulations?

  7. Do you think there is a role for remote sensing in the management of this type of pollution? If so, how would you use satellite / airborne remote sensing with other sources of information to help you manage pollution incidents, enforce regulations, or assess environmental impact?

II. Present your results in a short Powerpoint presentation.

screenshot of the topic overview of the marine pollution module
Screenshot of the topic overview of the marine pollution tutorial.