Ocean Colour: Retrieve your own Chlorophyll by satellite


Geography, Biology


Learn to work with data with a geographical component


Time needed:


Try to Open WATeRS and play with the buttons on the screen. Try to match some of the examples of the handout. Note that WATeRS currently doesn't hold satellite information about chlorophyll concentrations. As an alternative we suggest Google Earth. Suggestions for Questions: Can the pupils navigate to the location of their school? Did you notice that Google Earth contains satellite data and other geographic data (lines and sympbols). They overlay and can be used together because they use coodinates in the same system.

BEAM requires quite a lot of interaction. We suggest you (the teacher) to prepare a demonstration followed by limited interaction by the pupils themselves BEAM can be used to study


WATeRS is a web-mapping application, which allows interactively explore remote sensing products, and to seamlessly combine this with other geographical data. Click Help to understand this application and gives examples for navigation with the system.

BEAM is the MERIS and AATSR Toolbox, provided free of charge by the European Space Agency (ESA). The latest BEAM can be downloaded from www.brockmann-consult.de/BEAM. BEAM includes several tools to support working with MERIS, (A)ATSR and ASAR data. VISAT is BEAM's visualization, analysing and processing application. It comes with a clear and intuitive user interface allowing new users to get started quickly.