11. Links
Hoofdstuk 1. Wat zijn stromen en waarom zijn ze belangrijk?
Cape Farewell Home Page
Artists, scientists, educationalists and school students look at climate change in the Arctic. Link to blogs, photos etc. from Arctic expeditions with the sailing ship Noorderlicht.
Responsible: Cape Farewell
Last access: 30.04.2009
How currents affect us (1): operational ocean forecasting
MERSEA Home Page
Development of a European system for the use of remote sensing in operational monitoring and forecasting of the ocean physics, biogeochemistry, and ecosystems, on global and regional scales.
Responsible: MERSEA
Last access: 20.08.2008
Access to ocean forecasts of currents, temperature and salinity for the global ocean and selected regions.
Responsible: MERCATOR
Last access: 20.08.2008
NCOF Home Page
Information on ocean forecasting from the UK National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF)
Responsible: UK Met Office / Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Last access: 20.08.2008
DMI Centre for Ocean and Ice
Access to operational forecasts from the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Responsible: Danish Met Office
URL: http://ocean.dmi.dk/
Last access: 20.08.2008
Keeping Current with Ocean Currents
Feature about a tug-boat captain who saves tug-time following the currents in the Gulf of Mexico
Responsible: NASA JPL News
Last access: 20.08.2008
Other sites on ship routing:
a number of commercial companies offer ship-routing services. The key words ship routing and metocean should give you a good selection.
How currents affect us (2): fisheries and marine resouces
Marine Stewardship Council Home Page
Information about sustainable fisheries, stories about marine conservation, and list of fisheries that have been certified as sustainable.
Responsible: Marine Stewardship Council
URL: http://www.msc.org/
Last access: 24.08.2008
How currents affect us (3): Conservation and resource management
Large Marine Ecosystems Information Portal
Among much else, this website provides background information on all the LMEs, and access to maps and other information.
Responsible: NOAA/UNEP
Last access: 29.08.2009
Leatherback Turtles' Newly Discovered Migration Route May Be Roadmap To Salvation
How knowledge of migration routes could guide fishing policy.
Responsible: Science Daily
Last access: 30.04.2009
Recovery Plan for U.S. Pacific Populations
of the Loggerhead Turtle
Plan outlining conservation measures (PDF)
Plan outlining conservation measures (PDF)
Responsible: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Last access: 30.04.2009
Information about sea turtles, their habitats,
and threats to their survival
Links to information about Caribbean sea turtles.
Responsible: Caribbean Conservation Corporation
Last access: 30.04.2009
How currents affect us (4): regional climate
Seasonal forecasting
Explaining seasonal forecasts and how they are produced; links to seasonal forecasts for UK and Europe.
Responsible: UK Met Office
Last access: 30.04.2009
Global climate
Overview of climate in different regions of the world; good maps and figures.
Responsible: Waether-climate.org.uk
Last access: 30.04.2009
Hoofdstuk 2. Windgedreven oppervlaktestromen
Ocean Surface Currents
Description of the main ocean currents with maps of sea surface temperature and current velocities.
Responsible: Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), University of Miami.
Last access: 18.08.2008
Climate variability and El Niňo
Good explanation of El Niňo / La Niňa, with emphasis on impacts on Austrialia and Southeast Asia.
Responsible: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Last access: 01.05.2009
UNESCO-Bilko image processing software
Access to software used to process many of the images used in the oceancurrents module
Responsible: UNESCO-Bilko Project (hosted at National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
Last access: 09.09.2009
Access to analysis data of sea surface temperature from satellites
Responsible: UK Met Office
Last access: 09.09.2009
Meteosat Fulldisk Global Satellite Images.
Access to full disk image data from EUMETSAT/METEOSAT
Access to full disk image data from EUMETSAT/METEOSAT
Last access: 29.10.2009
Pacific Toy Spill Fuels Ocean Current Pathways Research
Early popular science version of the plastic duck story published in Earth in Space Vol. 7, No. 2, October 1994, pp.7-9, 14.
Early popular science version of the plastic duck story published in Earth in Space Vol. 7, No. 2, October 1994, pp.7-9, 14.
Responsible: American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Last access: 30.04.2009
Hoofdstuk 3. De mondiale transportband
RAPID Climate Change
Home Page of the RAPID Climate Change research programme, with links to information about the Atlantic Heat Conveyor
Responsible: Natural Environment Research Council
Last access: 28.10.2009
The Thermohaline Ocean Circulation
Overview of the THC, what drives it, and its effect on climate
Responsible: Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Last access: 28.10.2009
Hoofdstuk 4. Stromen en leven in de oceaan
Ocean Colour
Information about light and colours, how phytoplankton is detected from space and more.
Responsible: Oceans4schools, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Last access: 29.10.2009
Ocean Color Web
NASA Goddard ocean colour home page: access to satellite data from SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua ocean colour instruments
Responsible: NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre
Last access: 29.10.2009
Ocean color applications
Short description of how ocean colour data are used with links to more information.
Responsible: NASA Goddard Earth Sciences, Data and Information Services Center
Last access: 29.10.2009
Distribution of Plankton
Explanation of plankton distributions observed in ocean colour images.
Responsible: Department of Oceanography, Texas A and MUniversity
Last access: 29.10.2009
Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG)
Home page of IOCCG with links to reports and information about current ocean colour research and applications of ocean colour measurements from space.
Responsible: IOCCG
Last access: 29.10.2009
Marine Fisheries Food Webs
Phytoplankton as the base of marine food webs, primary and higher predators; the microbial loop.
Responsible: Department of Oceanography, Texas A and M University
Last access: 29.10.2009
Large Marine Ecosystems of the World
Overview of all the large marine ecosystems and the UNEP environmental programmes working towards sustainable management of these systems.
Responsible: NOAA/UNEP
Last access: 29.10.2009
Hoofdstuk 5. Locale stromen
Baseload Supply Strategy
Website about energy generation for Scotland using tides and tidal currents as the energy source. Explains tidal principles and how the power in tides may be used to supply electricity.
Responsible: Energy Systems Research Unit's (ESRU), Strathclyde University
Last access: 29.10.2009
Hoofdstuk 6. Stromen metingen
Home page of AVISO, the organisation that distributes satellite altimetry data and products. Principles behind altimetry; how altimetry can be used to measure sea level, currents, tides and waves; data access.
Responsible: AVISO (NASA-JPL and CNES)
Last access: 29.10.2009
Argo Home Page
Home page of the international Argo Float programme, with information about Argo, access to data etc.
Responsible: Argo / University of California, San Diego
Last access: 29.10.2009
Explore the Ocean with Argo
Euro-Argo outreach pages: View Argo in Google Earth, and find out about the different regions of the oceans where the floats are found.
Responsible: Euro-Argo/National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Last access: 29.10.2009