Construction of a Relative Frequency Distribution
All subjectsObjectives:
In this exercise you will learn
- How to construct a relative Frequency Distribution from your data in a spreadsheet
- The Relative Frequency Distribution
- Completion of the worksheet Constructing a Frequency Distribution Graph
- Spreadsheet software, where Excel 97 is used in this example
- The spreadsheet created in the worksheet "Constructing a Frequency Distribution Graph"
Time needed:
10 - 20 minutes, depending on your experience with spreadsheets
- Open the spreadsheet that you saved from the worksheet "Constructing a Frequency Distribution Graph"
- Click on cell B39. Insert Function Sum into this cell. The function wizard will open asking for number 1.
Click on the symbol, highlight the values in B32 to B37 and click on close to have this range entered into the text box opposite
number 1 and then click on OK. The value 30 should appear in cell B39.
- Activate cell C32 and enter into this cell the following instructions "=B32/B$39".
The number 0.166667 should appear in cell C32. What you have done is tell Excel that this cell is to contain
the value of cell B32 divided by the value of cell B39.
- Copy this instruction into cells C33 to C37 to get the values {0.1, 0.333333, 0.133333, etc}.
If you sum these into cell C39 you will get 1.0 in this cell as the answer.
- Plot the values in cells C32 to C37. The graph is of the same shape as the Frequency Distribution, but the vertical axis has different values on it.