Mexico City

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The capital of Mexico has to offer many sights to its visitors, but has also one of the most serious air pollution problems of the world. Next to the numerous industries are the 3.5 million vehicles the main air polluters.

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Solution of Worksheet 'Mexico City'

1a. Describe what you relate to an environmentally friendly excursion.

Minimum air pollution, short stretches of way, public transport,...

1b. Inform yourself of the sights in the city, with the aid of the given links, and choose minimum 5 sights for your excursion.

E.g. The Plaza de la Constitución, or Zocalo, Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral Metropolitana), National Palace (Palacio Nacional), Great Temple (Templo Mayor), Fine Arts Palace (Palacio de Bella Artes), National Anthropology Museum (Museo Nacional de Antropologia), Xochimilco, Museo Frida Kahlo, Teotihuacan, Basilica de Guadalupe (see for example here).

1c. What criteria should be taken into account when you choose your sights?

No long distances between the stations, the option to use a public transport, the option not to be dependend on a public transport.

2a. Inform yourself of the public transport system of the city. Which means of transportation are available?
Metro, Metrobús, other electric transport, RTP buses, bus lines, microbuses/combis/quite often peseros.

2b. Think about more possibilities that you could apply to guide your excursion group to each sight.

Turibós, Taxis, Car rental, Bike rental, walk

3. Compile your whole excursion. Keep the purpose, the process and the locomotion of your excursion in mind. Highlight the stations of your excursion on the satellite image of Mexico City and fill them into the table below.

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