Almerias Green Houses

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Test arrangement.
Source: Own illustration


In order to supply the European markets with out of season fruit and vegetables in the winter, the use of green houses in the region of Almeria has become common practice. Through this, a wide spanning plastic sea has come to existance on the coast of Almeria. Because Almeria's winter climate also does not support optimal plant growth, the farmers have created in their green houses and under their plastic tarps an artificial green house effect in order to be able to sustain a growth-appropriate environment.

Didactic Commentary:

Solution for the Worksheet 'Almerias Green Houses'

1. Run the experiment in groups of two. What happens?

In the first glass, nothing will happen, because the smoke will simply leak out of the glass. Because the second glass is covered, the smoke cannot leak out. Through the combination of heat (through a lamp) and the beginning smoke (depicted here as CO2) the temperature inside will slowly increase.

2.Try to explain the measured results.

In the experiment the green house effect has been simulated. The projecters represent the sunlight which heats the earth, which anew sends heat rays out. The heat rays go through the air relatively unimpared. The green house gas CO2 is responsible for the absorption of the heat. The gasses act as barriers for the reflective heat rays. Because of the green house effect, the temperature goes up more than it would in pure air.

3. Which growth-benefits does the second glass reap?

The same principle is persued. Because the climate in Almeria is also not year-long ideal for plant growing, the green houses use artificial heat so that fresh fruits and vegetables can be grown all year round.

Download the Worksheet 'Almerias Green Houses' (.rft) for the lesson. Find here the HTML version of the worksheet.