Correlation in Satellite Data
In this exercise you can learn
- how to make use of the correlation and covariance subjects in classification.
- The Frequency Distribution
- The Relative Frequency Distribution
- Measures of Value
- Measures of Spread
- The Multi-Dimensional Frequency Distribution
- Covariance and Correlation
- Excel 97 software or similar
- Image Processing Software ILWIS (download from
- Image of the Middelfart area, Denmark
- Data file containing signatures for training areas shown on the Middelfart image
- Binary file of the Middelfart image
Time needed:
2 school lessons
- Open Excel 97 or similar software
- Import the text file (Never done this before? - Follow this link:
How to import text files into Excel)
- Once you have created a spreadsheet display the class means in scattergrams for each combination of the three bands in the data
and plot the standard deviations for each class in the scattergrams.
- Create three graphs depicting the three combinations of three bands. Plot the class means on each graph.
Then plot the standard deviations in the x and y directions on each graph, for each class.
Plot the axes of the ellipses where the correlation is the tangent of the smaller of the two angles,
from the x and the y axes respectively.
- Open ILWIS
- Import the binary file and display the image. The image details are number of columns = 1247, number of bands = 3, Byte data,
BSQ format, Convert to an ILWIS file.